

Maintaining good reproductive health is just as important as taking care of any other part of your body. Our mood, health and behaviour are dictated by our hormones. Despite hormones being critical to their key functions, many go their whole lives without ever really looking into their own unique cycle and hormone balances.

If you’re curious to understand more about your body, our blood tests can reveal more about your fertility, menopause, period problems or even monitor the effects of hormone replacement therapy.

Erectile Dysfunction Profile

Analyses the following

Female Sexual Health - Advanced Screen

Analyses the following

Fertility Hormones Profile

Analyses the following

Male Hormone Profile

Analyses the following

Menopause Hormones Profile

Analyses the following

Pregnancy Test - Beta HCG (Quantitative)

Analyses the following

Progesterone - Day 21 Ovulation

Analyses the following

Prostate Profile

Analyses the following

Testosterone Check

Analyses the following

Testosterone Plus

Analyses the following